[UK-CONTEST] RSGB 1st 160m - G3SJJ

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Sun Feb 10 09:07:15 PST 2008

Historically this event doesn't attract the same level of activity as 
the November contest so I was quite pleased at a first hour total of 
103. UK participation seemed slightly up, but I noted a few EU countries 
missing. Some nice DX in the shape of EL (need to verify if that was 
genuine as it is a new country on 160m,) UA9 and various W/VE. There was 
an indication that the band might be good on Friday with JA7OEM 
appearing in late afternoon. I worked him at 1630, he peaked to s8 just 
on sunset and I was listening to him for an good 30 minutes in total. 
JA7NI was also audible around 1830 Saturday evening but not as strong.

Now have some 1400 CW contest Qs in the log using the K3. 400 in 
CQWW160CW plus nearly 800 in the FOC Marathon last weekend, 160-10m. It 
does handle close-in stuff better than the MP or K2. There is no doubt I 
could copy weaker signals under loud stations much easier. The AGC time 
constants seem to help with my power line noise level also, the frying 
noise is less obvious, also when I switch in the Noise Reduction it is 
like switching to an rx antenna.

The 2nd Rx isn't available yet so I felt as though I was operating with 
one hand tied behind my back not being to listen around the band whilst 
monitoring my run freq. I reverted to the TS930 technique I used to use 
over 15 years ago by switching to the 2nd VFO. Made a few Qs but it 
isn't the same as SO2V.

During the Marathon and this one I have been concentrating on ESM 
technique. In think if you restrict external key use to say once in 
every 10 Qs or so it certainly is much more efficient than the old CT 
style. I programmed F8 to Log QSO which means that if you do feel the 
need to say Hi 73 etc, you can get the QSO logged without messing up the 
sequence. I also prefer the cursor to auto tab over to the incoming 
exchange field which ESM does, rather than stay in the callsign field. I 
put F12 to change to S&P if in Run mode or Run in S&P mode, saves using 
the mouse which I hate doing in contests

201 Qs and no dupes, 28 countries, 49 districts and 968 points.

K3, dipole at 60ft, Acom 1000 amp, N1MM - smooth as ever.

Chris G3SJJ

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