[UK-CONTEST] 19" Flat screen monitors

Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Wed Feb 20 15:16:44 EST 2008

Thank for the various advice, on and off reflector.

One of these was for the Hewlett Packard W2207h  22" wide screen unit ( 
thanks GW4BLE), which was known to be clean. That is a bit big for my 
bijou shack, and the QRK of similar relationship to my bijou wallet! I 
did try to get the 20" equivalent but stock was notable for its paucity. 
I therefore bit the bullet, and shelled out for the 22" after the price 
had recently been reduced. Several hours of inexpert carpentry and 
uttered expletives later, said monitor is now installed in my shack, and 
indeed is being used to pen this note. The availability of screen real 
estate is truly awesome.

Thanks again



Clive Whelan wrote:
> I'll post my findings here in due course.

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