Paul_group paul_group at greenrover.demon.co.uk
Mon Jan 21 10:48:36 EST 2008

UK - DX - RTTY 19th/20th Jan

Never tried this one before and I thought it might have been a good 
event. Decided to do SO SB 80m low power.

Only 50 QSO's worked before I lost motivation and went to bed.

I worked a bit of US and lots of EU. Whilst I saw some fairly high 
serials being issued only 3 UK stns worked.

There must be some support for this event but didn't see much evidence 
from UK. Any previous participants here able to comment?

In the end I gave up went to bed.

Thanks for all the QSO's

Regards Paul

73 de Paul GW8IZR IO73TI

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