Roger Cooke g3ldi at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Mar 13 15:03:29 EDT 2008


  I always get very frustrated when I find that the first five minutes or so is taken up
with people working their "local list" or that's what it seems. I start with good intentions and then when I am at 003 I work a few with 012 or 015. Must be getting

  Norfolk always seems out on a limb, but last night conditions were pretty good for about an hour and then somebody switched the band off. I guess it was the Chancellor and his green saving scheme!

  It's easy to get confused and think you have worked someone only to find that he was working someone else, when he calls you later.

  I spent about 15 minutes in the QRS corral, sending at 14 wpm. I worked a few
there but it was almost deserted, so I guess the newbies are going to have to learn the hard way!

Anyway, apologies to those I confused, only 1 dupe however, but only 92 Q's

73 de Roger, G3LDI

Regards from Roger, G3LDI
Swardeston, Norfolk.

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