G4FNL g4fnl at bubloz.demon.co.uk
Thu Mar 13 17:37:04 EDT 2008

I had quite a good contest, despite some initial teething problems with QSK
not working. (It turned out to be a dodgy connection to an IF filter which
needed a bit of poking about to cure).  I was using an FT1000MP and 265ft
doublet at 50ft.  So, after fixing the QSK problem, I hope that my sigs were

During the contest, I was switching antennae between a horizontal loop at
30ft and the doublet - the doublet was almost always better. It was typical
80M winter propagation. I had 103 QSO's in the first hour. I noticed the
conditions changing at approx 21:15. Much more difficult to make QSO's for
the last 10 mins or so.

Thanks to everyone for the QSO's. I ended up with 133 Q's (no dupes). The
highest number I heard was 143 (G3TXF) which was right at the end of the

Anyone got a K3 for me to borrow for the SSB contest next week?? :)

73 Graham G4FNL

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