[UK-CONTEST] BERU 2008 from 9M2CNC (very late)

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Sun Mar 16 15:33:30 EDT 2008

Clive Whelan wrote:
>N1MM runs BERU perfectly well with the Jubilee module, albeit doesn't 
>score it correctly. I have always done this by band, but the G4IFB 
>Excel sheet makes this a breeze. As a result of the silver tongue of 
>Ian/GM3SEK, aided and abetted by YT, and with luck, OM Prasad/VU2PTT 
>will have added the necessary code before next year. We are indeed 
>fortunate to have found someone who understands the idiosyncratic 
>scoring system of BERU, which could confuse a stupid person ;-) .

By having Prasad on the job for N1MM, we're already several steps ahead 
of an earlier attempt, which involved trying to work with an American 
software author on the WL team.

Something told me we had a problem, when the first line in his all-new 
contest setup was: "Enter name of Commonwealth".

Well, er...  usually, we call it "The".


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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