[UK-CONTEST] BERU 2008 from 9M2CNC (very late)

Colin colin at g3psm.net
Mon Mar 17 06:54:47 EDT 2008

As compared with the Russian Commonwealth of Countries (RCC) or the 
Commonwealth of Massachusetts or even the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania?


Colin, G3PSM

Ian White GM3SEK wrote:
> Clive Whelan wrote:
>> N1MM runs BERU perfectly well with the Jubilee module, albeit doesn't 
>> score it correctly. I have always done this by band, but the G4IFB 
>> Excel sheet makes this a breeze. As a result of the silver tongue of 
>> Ian/GM3SEK, aided and abetted by YT, and with luck, OM Prasad/VU2PTT 
>> will have added the necessary code before next year. We are indeed 
>> fortunate to have found someone who understands the idiosyncratic 
>> scoring system of BERU, which could confuse a stupid person ;-) .
> By having Prasad on the job for N1MM, we're already several steps ahead 
> of an earlier attempt, which involved trying to work with an American 
> software author on the WL team.
> Something told me we had a problem, when the first line in his all-new 
> contest setup was: "Enter name of Commonwealth".
> Well, er...  usually, we call it "The".

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