[UK-CONTEST] CW skimmer ramblings

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Fri May 2 16:42:32 EDT 2008

Bob, I haven't downloaded it as yet but I saw an offshoot in action 
whilst staying at W5SG's QTH in March. That is called Reverse Beacon.

Anyone making a CQ on a segment of the CW end of 20m displayed in a 
window. It actually decoded the CW (sometimes not very well) and linked 
to a logging program it indicated if that station was needed on that 
band. In this case it was checked against the FOC database and 
highlighted if needed. It was fun to see the technology working but left 
me wondering if this was really what I would want to progress to. The 
whole point of having a receiver switched on, surely, is to manually 
tune across the bands and find stuff yourself. We have the DX Cluster 
which can be good fun at times but its use has degenerated. My view so 
far is that CW Skimmer will prove to be even worse. I would still like 
to hear some positives reasons other than it is an advancement in 

Chris G3SJJ

Bob G3PJT wrote:
> Hi
> Has anyone actually used CW Skimmer in a real contest yet ?
> If so how much did your score improve ?
> If this gets a nil response then one might deduce:-
> - its fantastic and I am going to keep quiet about it
> or
> - it didn't make a lot of difference
> or maybe
> - no-one has tried it yet
> or something else entirely like nobody really cares either way.
> 73 Bob G3PJT
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