Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Mon Nov 10 15:06:58 EST 2008

Hello all,

Great fun! And 4 new band-slots for me, so very pleasing.

A couple of things got me annoyed though. I am sure the first may just cause
me a lot of NIL's in my log!
At some point, I was enjoying a nice pile-up on 40m, and someone spotted
YC6EN. He was about 1kc up from me, but the spotter showed his dial
frequency, which put the spot on MY frequency. I then had a bigger pile-up,
and many did not exchange calls. I have to wonder if many of the callers
thought they were working YC6EN, instead of me. And that was despite the
fact that I sent both calls in the exchange. A few asked for repeats, which
I gave, and they seemed to be accepted, but I do wonder!

The second problem was the fact the some folk thought it was reasonable to
call me during an exchange with someone else, even mid way through a QTC

And the final problem were the "policemen". One seemed to be trying his best
to send a continuous stream of DIT's over 9K2HN on 80m. They were also in
great evidence on 40m.

Oh well, moan over. Despite the moans, it was a great contest, and I think
this is the contest I enjoy the most for the year. QTC's are a great part of
it, and give us little-pistols a chance at making a decent score with fewer

Highlights for me were the 4 new band-slots, which were TF3AM on 80m, 9K2HN
on both 40 and 80m, and OX/G3TXF on 40m. Another one was managing to work
J3/DM2AYO on 17m in the midst of the contest. Got him first call, so I
didn't waste too much contest time!

Here is my claimed score:
Rig:      IC756Pro
Power:  Less than 100 watts for most of it
Ants:    20/15/10 - 2ele mini-beam,
            40m - half G5RV,
            80m - inverted L, none more than 20' above ground.

 	 QSOs	QTCs	Multipliers
80m: 	99	0	116
40m:	162	20	135
20m:	316	400	118
15m:	31	30	38
10m:	1	0	2
Total:	(609 +	450)    X  409	= 433131

I had hoped to exchange more QTC's, but it wasn't for lack of trying! The
score isn't my best, which was back in 2005 with 600 Q's for 482632 points.
I guess it was the lack of 10m opening, and the lack of call areas on 15m.
But, with the solar figures the way they were for the weekend, I am
surprised to have got this score!

73 all


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