Nigel G3TXF nigel at G3TXF.com
Mon Nov 10 17:35:34 EST 2008

WAE-RTTY from Greenland

Call: OX/G3TXF
Band QSOs  Pts  QTCs  Mults
80:   13   13     0    36
40:  136  166    30   126
20:  410  642   232   124
15:    0    0     0     0                    
10:    0    0     0     0                  
All: 559  821   262   286  

Total Score = 234,806

Operating from 67 deg North, when the k-index was, at times, up to 4 made it
hard going to be heard, particularly on LF! 

Congratulations to those who decyphered my callsign [OX/G3TXF] correctly! 

As Phil GU0SUP commented on here earlier, it was disappointing that so many
participants refused to send or receive QTCs. When QTCs were offered the
reply, if any, was often "No QTC". On RTTY, QTCs are just a matter of
pressing the right buttons. [Unlike on CW, of course, where you have to use
your brain if you are receiving WAE QTCs - hi!]

73 - Nigel G3TXF 

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