[UK-CONTEST] QTC's to CW skimmer! Whatever next!

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Nov 14 16:29:34 EST 2008

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Cooper" <pcooper at guernsey.net>


> From there, it developed into a "knock modern technology" rant
> from some folk who ought to know better.

In any human activity, certain technologies may be inappropriate
when they change the fundamental nature of the activity, the 
very thing that gives it its name.

In the context of amateur radio, and particularly in the context
of contesting, not all modern technologies are good, and not all
are appropriate.

Consider, for example, that in sailboat racing, engines are not
permitted under any circumstances.  That does not imply that
everyone still uses sextants to determine their position and
plot a course - GPS does the job nicely.

> Whether you agree with the concept of CW Skimmer or not,
> it has been unleashed on the world, and is here to stay.

Just as people still go racing in boats without engines,
even though engines were unleashed on the world more than
a century ago, many of us go contesting without Skimmer or
packet. It has nothing to do with whether these technologies
are effective - it has everything to do with the belief that
their use is incompatible with amateur radio contesting as we
understand it.

Yes - perhaps we don't understand it :-)

Paul EI5DI

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