[UK-CONTEST] Planning and TV Transmission

Ray Hills g3hrh at btinternet.com
Wed Nov 19 17:08:05 EST 2008

I don't know what is the position today but when I was responsible for the 
building of the ITV and Channel Four networks, we certainly needed planning 
consent for each and every site.  Those in AONBs or SSSIs could take a very 
long time to get through.  Those in the National Parks were a real headache. 
On the other hand the relay station in Sandringham estate was pretty 
straightforward (influential customers) !!

I believe it to be the case that planning consent is not required for 
antennas for domestic reception so you might get away with a 60ft Versatower 
and stacked Yagis on the argument that you want to receive TV from eastern 
Europe?  Or perhaps not !!

Ray G3HRH 

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