[UK-CONTEST] UK-Contest Digest, Vol 71, Issue 34

Andy Cunningham andyc at andy-yvonne.demon.co.uk
Mon Nov 24 02:42:02 EST 2008

> However, Andy was suggesting young people visit him and in this context, I believe he should get a CRB check, through the RSGB possibly. Believe it or not, even if the child's parent accompanies them, if the child is left alone with you in a room, if only for a little while -  you need a CRB.
And if they're young enough for CRB to be an issue I'd expect their 
parent or another responsible adult to be along as well, and since my 
XYL would likely be in the house as well, I think I can be adequately 
supervised at all times.

Once again, a sad reflection on the times we live in.  I'll need a CRB 
check to visit the family next!

And I agree, back to discussing contesting!


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