[UK-CONTEST] OT; Weather Warning

James Hill jrh at g0fhm.net
Sat Oct 4 16:51:01 EDT 2008

Hi Guys,

Most of you will already probably be aware of what is coming, but 
Yarmouth Coastguard have just issued a gale warning, from Wight to 
Humber, Via VHF....

Gale force 9 SW'ly, rising storm force 10-11, Imminent. Plus, NEGATIVE 
tidal surge in the Thames estuary.

Crank those towers down!!

My CW40 has one leg down already (that'll teach me to use cheap Tesco 
value poly washing line!), and at this rate, the other one will be 
too.... that's assuming that the big old Ash tree that's supporting it 
doesnt fall foul of the wind, like our little apple tree did last year! 
(not high enough for antennae anyway, but still growing happily on it's 

James G0FHM

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