[UK-CONTEST] NFD error rates : UBN Reports?

Nigel G3TXF nigel at G3TXF.com
Wed Sep 3 14:34:59 EDT 2008

Hello Dominik,


Yes, thanks for the DARC listing.


Looks like GW0AAA/p lost 15 QSOs and one Mult, resulting in a 1.6% score
deduction in the DARC FD listing. Exactly the same effective % deduction as
Dave G3TBK/p.


Interesting stuff.


73 – Nigel G3TXF



From: Dominik Bugmann [mailto:hb9czf at hispeed.ch] 
Sent: 03 September 2008 19:22
To: nigel at g3txf.com
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] NFD error rates : UBN Reports?


Hi Nigel
I’m not the UK FD adjudicator but I have access to all logs. As soon as
Manfred, DK2OY, get’s his DL results out I can start putting the European
Region 1 FD results together which should be published on the DARC web-site
as well.
Please find attached the GW0AAA/P score and UBN. As you will see the
software was written in DL (DL6RAI & Co).
                   Endergebnis                Vor Abzügen
Call          DOK  QSO Mul  F  I  D   Score   QSO Mul   Score     Red.
DM1A/P        A24 1458 214 15  0 27  969420  1473 214  980120   -1.1%
RK3EXA/P        - 1501 188 25  0 26  899392  1525 188  914808   -1.7%
ER3R/P          - 1482 178 19  0  7  813638  1501 179  827517   -1.7%
DL0CS/P       M15 1354 189 23  0  4  788319  1377 190  806170   -2.2%
G3TBK/P         - 1255 167 21  0  3  648294  1276 167  658982   -1.6%
DK0MN/P       C12 1074 188 11  1  3  647284  1085 188  654428   -1.1%
S50BCC/P        - 1272 156 20  0 42  635856  1292 157  651079   -2.3%
DD2D/P        F27 1017 194 18  0  4  626814  1035 196  644252   -2.7%
G5XV/P          - 1162 168 29  0 13  614712  1191 168  631344   -2.6%
GW0AAA/P        - 1205 159 15  0 14  603087  1220 160  612800   -1.6%
The software I’m using (the same is used in DL and I also adjudicate I and
PA) penalizes wrong calls only: a “C” in the 2nd last column. If you count
all wrong numbers you might add up to your 40+ deleted QSOs.
If you read “Korrektes Call: NO_CALL” in the UBN is was simply deleted
because it was a Unique and the serial number greater than 9.
I guess the “real” answer can only come from the RSGB.
73 de Dominik, MW/HB9CZF (tomorrow in G and then back again to GW)
>Hello Clive,
>We at GW0AAA/p were taken aback not only by our 4.4% error rate (45 busted
>QSOs), but also by our error rate being close to twice that of GM2MP/p
>(2.2%) and GM3POI/p (2.7%). 
>Obviously the 3As are not as good at copying callsigns/exchanges as we
>we are!
>Yes, it would be nice if there was some way of obtaining a "UBN" type
>for NFD. I always learn something useful by going through the UBN reports
>for CQWW (and for the IOTA Contest). 
>Is there any way to access a UBN Report for NFD? Hopefully it'd help us
>fewer errors in NFD next year.
>73 - Nigel G3TXF


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