g4fka at aol.com g4fka at aol.com
Thu Sep 4 16:10:52 EDT 2008

Watery might be too near the truth. It has been rather yukky  here these past 
few days and the weekend forecast is not good. 
It may take a few hours to get the station on the air.  First we  shall have 
the ceremonial reading of the rules. Next the discussion on  whether to put 
the log sheets on the left, right or in front of the rig. Then  whether to log 
using pen or pencil. Then we will spend several hours debating  whether the 
dupe sheets should be ordered by first or last letter. Then of  course the genny 
will pack up, the tuner will fail, the poles will fall down and  the horse box 
for humans will prove to have a horse in it and we'll have to do a  runner 
Hope to ESP everyone at the weekend.
Geoff G4FKA @G6YB/P


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