[UK-CONTEST] Decline in 2m contest activity

ALANNOTTAGE at aol.com ALANNOTTAGE at aol.com
Thu Sep 11 08:01:27 EDT 2008

In a message dated 11/09/08 11:45:59 GMT Daylight Time, g3rir at yahoo.com 

> I wonder if one reason for the reduction in the number of open section
> entrants in VHF NFD is the rumour that a number of stations were(are)using
> well in excess of 400W. Multiple antenna stacks each fed with kilowatt
> amplifiers has been mooted. I don't know if it was (or is true) and
> certainly I never heard of any disqualifications from such issues... 

The only one I'm aware of Neil involved a group with a similar setup to what 
you have described, but only in respect of use of mains power.

The investment in gear/availability of prime site etc to compete at a high 
level could be off putting I agree.

Al G0XBV   

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