[UK-CONTEST] Re Decline in VHF/UHF contest activity

Tim Hague m0afj at dsl.pipex.com
Thu Sep 11 12:07:01 EDT 2008

Hi, having been involved in VHF/UHF contesting since the 70s under my 
old call G8GGP and with the Hadrabs CG and now the Windmill group I'll 
throw my 2p worth into the pot!
There is no doubt that VHF/UHF activity has declined since the removal 
of the CW requirement for access to HF, its a no brainer as our colonial 
cousins across the pond would say,
also it seems to me and I have tried to bring this up on a previous 
thread that the novice license seems to view VHF as a band to operate FM 
and repeaters only, easy stuff, lowest common
There is no need for me to go through what VHF operation was like in the 
early 70s, you really had to build your own gear, no repeaters and 
tuning low to high..., it took effort and
considerable interest to get a decent station on the air, now there is 
no encouragement to try......

Flack jacket on


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