[UK-CONTEST] RSGB Insurance - check yours

David Ferrington, M0XDF M0XDF at Alphadene.co.uk
Thu Sep 18 07:43:12 EDT 2008

Please forgive the cross posting, especially if you aren’t a G or an M.
I have just found out that the company that provided the RSGB Radio  
Insurance Plan
Catlin Insurance Company (UK) Ltd.
(as advertised in RadCom last year I believe) went out of business  
sometime ago - I don't know when.

I discovered this by chance and have seen no notification of this in  
RadCom - something I would have expected since it was RadCom that  
recommend it.

My policy is due soon and since I've increased my kit (added a K3 to  
start with :-), I'm going to go back to the previous provider -  
"Amateur Radio Insurance services" supplied by Stuart Alexander Ltd.  
(0207 3351647).
I have no association with them other than being a previously happy  

I only went to the RSGB plan because it was recommended by the RSGB  
and was slightly cheaper (very slightly), lesson learnt!

Again, apologies for the bandwidth.
If you must play, decide on three things at the start: the rules of the
game, the stakes, and the quitting time. -Chinese Proverb

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