Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Tue Sep 30 08:54:30 EDT 2008

Nigel G3TXF wrote:
>The CQWW RTTY Contest is no longer an 'also-ran' event. It is now a 
>'major' CQWW Contest ranking alongside CQWW CW and CQWW SSB.

Blessed be the converts, for they shall be diddled!

>Perhaps it is time for 'CQ' to think about up-grading the presentation 
>of the published CQWW RTTY Contest results to reflect this, eg: country 
>listings (and not the tedious multi-page 'category' listings currently 
>used), automated UBN Reports and all-time records on a country basis 
>available on the web.

Have you found AA5AU's www.rttycontesting.com site? If you click on the 
"Records and Rules" page, it takes you through to all the CQWW RTTY 
results since 1995.

CQWW RTTY is organised separately from the other two, in the capable 
hands of I2UIY, and there's no reason not to continue that. However, we 
should definitely expect next year's RTTY contest to catch up with the 
recent updating of the rules for CW and SSB.


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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