Dave Lawley dave at g4buo.com
Mon Apr 6 04:54:48 PDT 2009

Those who like the accuracy requirements of Ropoco should have a go in 
the EU Sprint. The CW sprint takes place this coming Saturday (Easter 
Saturday) and the phone sprint is on 18th April. Timing is 16:00 to 
19:50UTC, i.e. 5pm to 9pm.

You've got to copy the info at the time it was sent, as the CQing 
station must QSY at least 2kHz before CQing again. The contest is on 20, 
40 and 80m. Most stations start on 20, activity migrates to 40 after an 
hour or so, and the last hour is mainly 80m.

Exchange is both callsigns, serial number and name. There is NO 
requirement to send RS(T). Note that both callsigns must be sent and 
with all the QSYing, this is a necessity.

Full information, rules and past results are at www.eusprint.com

The founder of the EU Sprints Paolo, I2UIY sadly died in October last 
year. We're looking for a bumper entry this year in his memory.

Dave G4BUO

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