Ed -- GW3SQX g3sqx at EdTaylor.org
Tue Apr 7 04:01:11 PDT 2009

Re - Ropoco.

Brian 5B4AIZ writes:

>  The problem is .... that you are trying to do 
>  a daytime contest on a nighttime band

Au contraire, there is propagation more or less 
throughout the UK on 80m during daylight.  
Of course, some areas do better than others, 
but the general idea with RoPoCo is NOT to 
attract overseas callers, but to allow everyone 
(in the UK) to hear everyone else, if possible.

>  you have pitched it at an unsociable hour.

True.  One hour later would suit people better, 
I think, and propagation is not much different.

>  80mtr CC has proved popular, so obviously 
>  propagation is right, so why not move 
>  it to a weekday evening?

One of the main complaints I hear about 80m CC 
is that propagation is frequently useless for intra-UK 
working during the evening.

My proposal would be to have the two April and 
August CW RoPoCos on the same dates that they 
are now, with a two-hour SSB RoPoCo on the 
Saturday the day before (which would occasionally 
be the month before).  Now that would generate 
more interest!  Hours to be 0800-1000Z.



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