[UK-CONTEST] Sunspots (lack of..) on Radio 4

Andy Swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Wed Apr 22 01:06:09 PDT 2009

>>> On 4/22/2009 at  8:35 am, in message
<387415.77006.qm at web86607.mail.ird.yahoo.com>, Stewart Rolfe
<gw0etf at btinternet.com> wrote:

> Yesterday I caught the end of a piece on missing sunspots on Radio
4's Today 
> programme.
> It was based on an article in the Physicsworld blog at < 
> http://physicsworld.com/blog/2009/04/where_are_the_sunspots.html >
and it 
> includes a link to the Today interview.
> Mainly talking about potential climate change implications (or not)
but a 
> bit depressing for us lot too.

Quotes taken out of their context: 

"the “Maunder minimum” — a 70-year stretch beginning in 1645
during which very few sunspots were seen"
"Looking further back, it seems that such long-term minima occur about
once every few hundred years. It would be tempting to think we are
moving towards such a minima "

What's so depressing about it, I've got room for a top band aerial now,
and some big trees to hang it from :-)

"It’s interesting to note that the Maunder minimum seems to coincide
with “The Little Ice Age” — a noticeable cooling that affected

AND  I'm a very keen skier too :-)   :-)

Yep, all you need is plenty of wax and a big ball of wire....
bring it on.....

Andy '8oeg

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