Roger G3SXW g3sxw at btinternet.com
Wed Apr 22 02:33:11 PDT 2009

Dear UK-Contest,
The May issue of CQ Magazine has the results of the 2008 CQ WW RTTY DX Contest. These are the UK call-signs listed in the 'Top Scores'.
73 de Roger/G3SXW.

Single-Op High Power
All Band: GI5K (Opr MI0LLL) - World 6th, Europe 2nd, Zone 14 1st
All Band: G3YYD Zone 14 9th
14 MHz: G3TXF - World 7th, Europe 5th
7 MHz: GW4SKA - Europe 9th

Single-Op Low Power
All Band: J88DR (Op G3TBK) - World 6th
All Band: G0MTN - Europe 7th
21 MHz: MW0CRI - World 10th, Europe 5th

G3VER - Europe 7th

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