[UK-CONTEST] ROPOCO 2 - magnled post cosed

Chris G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Sun Aug 2 23:37:37 PDT 2009

TT1BK ? ...  5NN TT1BK .... 599 001    BK   ??

Maybe similar to GM5NN logged in NFD  a few years ago!

Chris G3SJJ

G4FNL wrote:
> As has been already stated, the ROPOCO contest earlier was a bit slow going.
> I took part, and managed to squeeze 60 QSOs out of two hours (but two of
> those QSOs were with ON stations - so really only 58 genuine Q's   :>o  )
> A few regulars seemed to be missing - probably away on holiday.
> We really need to find a few more people to come on and try this contest. It
> really can be good fun and quite challenging. Unfortunately, for me, today
> was just plain slow, and consequently, a bit boring.
> There was the usual crop of mutilated post codes - for example DN50MAW,
> I was operating from the local University site which takes a little bit of
> organising beforehand - having to lug all my gear up to the shack and home
> again is a bit of a fag. I used an FT1000MP + TL922 amp and an 80m long
> horizontal loop at approx 40ft. I also did the keying by hand - but will
> probably change that to send from the keyboard another time.
> >From right down here on the South Coast, I think my signal is OK - but I'm
> never quite sure as I only ever operate from the site during the CC, and
> similar contests, and it's difficult to know....
> Anyway, my thanks to everyone for the Q's today
> 73  Graham G4FNL
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