[UK-CONTEST] 80m CCs : tracking your club\'s activity (typocorrected!)

dave at g4buo.com dave at g4buo.com
Thu Aug 13 02:03:14 PDT 2009

No it is quite serious Jim. I would have more of a life if I were not
spending plenty of my time already managing these contests and getting the
results out double-quick. Jim MM0BQI and Steve G3UFY spend even more time
on the adjudication. Recently concerns about entries from one individual
have absorbed much more Committee time.

A while ago within Committee the suggestion was made that there should be
a 50-mile rule in CC, like for AFS. This was to counter concerns about the
ability of contest clubs in particular to recruit solely to inflate their
score, to the detriment of real clubs. I and a few others argued against
this: when Justin and I initially wrote the rules for the CC we wanted to
allow clubs whose members had moved away from the area, to be able to
compete. But we wanted this to be a competition between clubs. I suggest
that if a person\'s only reason for joining Three As is to help their
score in CC then Three As does not conform to what a lot of people would
understand to be a radio club.

Perhaps we could hear some reactions from members of other clubs. Do they
think it is ok for Three As (and other contest clubs) to recruit in this

Dave G4BUO

> I thought and hope Dave\'s email was tongue in cheek. However if not then
> there is nothing like alienating seven contest operators from future RSGB
> Contests.
> Come on Dave get a life!
> 73 Jim G3RTE

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