[UK-CONTEST] 80m CCs : tracking your club\'s activity (typocorrected!)

Alex GM3ZBE alex at gm3zbe.plus.com
Thu Aug 13 02:19:26 PDT 2009

I would be extremely annoyed if a 50 mile rule were to be applied to the 
80M CC contests.  I lived in the Midlands for 17 years and was a bona 
fide member of the De Montfort University ARS.  I still am and enter the 
80MCC's under their banner.  On a personal note, one thing it does for 
me is that it gives me the very rare chance of being part of a winning 
team from up in GM.  As Neil 'RIR mentioned DMU won the first three 
years of the 80MCC contests and I greatly enjoyed being part of that 
team.  I don't think I would enter if a 50 mile rule was applied now.

Remember......... Its just a HOBBY!

dave at g4buo.com wrote:
> No it is quite serious Jim. I would have more of a life if I were not
> spending plenty of my time already managing these contests and getting the
> results out double-quick. Jim MM0BQI and Steve G3UFY spend even more time
> on the adjudication. Recently concerns about entries from one individual
> have absorbed much more Committee time.
> A while ago within Committee the suggestion was made that there should be
> a 50-mile rule in CC, like for AFS. This was to counter concerns about the
> ability of contest clubs in particular to recruit solely to inflate their
> score, to the detriment of real clubs. I and a few others argued against
> this: when Justin and I initially wrote the rules for the CC we wanted to
> allow clubs whose members had moved away from the area, to be able to
> compete. But we wanted this to be a competition between clubs. I suggest
> that if a person\'s only reason for joining Three As is to help their
> score in CC then Three As does not conform to what a lot of people would
> understand to be a radio club.
> Perhaps we could hear some reactions from members of other clubs. Do they
> think it is ok for Three As (and other contest clubs) to recruit in this
> way?
> Dave G4BUO
>> I thought and hope Dave\'s email was tongue in cheek. However if not then
>> there is nothing like alienating seven contest operators from future RSGB
>> Contests.
>> Come on Dave get a life!
>> 73 Jim G3RTE
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