[UK-CONTEST] 80m cc

Steve steve.g7vrk at virgin.net
Thu Aug 13 03:01:30 PDT 2009

Hi all 
AS a member of a small new club we have joined in the 80m cc  and other
club contests 
I think the 50 mile rule is A GOOD rule it will keep thing more even.
but on the other hand I can see  where the big contest clubs are coming
from . May be time for two class one for the contest clubs that have
members all over the UK  and one for clubs that have members from say a
50 mile radius. 
I've got my hard hat on how about some form of award for the best EU
Station club or individual 'that may help the deliberate EU QRM we get
here on the east coast 

73 Steve G7vrk

steve.g7vrk at virgin.net

chairman at bittern-dxers.org.uk

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