Rob - G4LMW g4lmw at btconnect.com
Fri Aug 14 00:27:19 PDT 2009


This was my first foray into the unknown of the RSGB Sprints and found it 
great fun. Keeps you on your toes. Very quickly realised that pre-filling 
the log and tail-ending was futile with 10 watts since I never got through 
first time so the station then changed of course! A whole lot of new tactics 
are needed for this. Thinking that SO2V was not an option, I turned it off, 
but thinking again, I might just monitor a popular spot on one and see who 
turns up.

Looking forward to improving on my 38 Qs with 10W, TT Orion, low dipole. The 
SSB leg clashes with our club meeting this month, so will have to wait 'til 
September now.

73, Rob
Newbury & District ARS

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