[UK-CONTEST] Farmers & Contests
nubsey at ntlworld.com
Mon Aug 17 16:38:48 PDT 2009
When in a hole stop digging. When in a real deeep hole like this one, look
for a ladder
Nubsey G0VDZ
----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrian Rees" <rees.a at btconnect.com>
To: <don.field at gmail.com>; <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Cc: <dwilson at btinternet.com>
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 10:42 PM
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Farmers & Contests
> Don,
> First of all my original email regarding this matter was sent to the UK
> Contest reflector on the basis that contesters can sometimes get a little
> over enthusiastic, and ignore some common sense.
> The original email was not intended to stir up trouble, nor make a
> complaint. (I have enough sense to know how to do that). This is why there
> were no names or call signs in my original email...no names no pack drill.
> If I wanted to have made a complaint it would have gone directly to those
> I would be accusing. If I wanted to stir up trouble, I would have included
> a lot more information than I did. If someone wants to search the internet
> to find out more then they can easily do that with or without the contents
> or information in my email. (My QRA Locator is well posted and a 2 second
> look at the VHF Claimed scores tells the rest).
> Secondly, I would not cause deliberate QRM, as you allude to. If I had
> been at home that particular night, its likely I would not have known
> about the operation further up the hill, until either shortly before the
> contest had started, or just after it had started. After it had started I
> would have shut down, as has happened on other occasions, to let the
> "visiting amateur" have a go, in deed a number of local VHF operators
> email or telephone each other prior to a contest to negotiate a mutually
> convenient location to avoid problems. Further more on other occasions in
> the past I have shut down or not operated whilst there are others close
> by, only last Sunday morning an amateur was operating from the top of the
> hill on VHF, I spotted him as I went for the papers and I decided against
> going on air.
> Perhaps the boot should be on the other foot, and it could be argued that
> 100 watts (from the visiting station) at a range of 170 yards would create
> deliberate interference for me...or more to the point interference and
> equipment de-sensitisation to the receivers and equipment mounted to the
> PMR mast, and its comms room, located much closer to the visiting amateur
> station aerials than I. I am fully aware of the PMR station, and I have
> very tight narrow band filters fitted to my VHF transmission setup. I take
> additional precautions in that I reduce power when transmitting South East
> (the direction of the PMR mast). You will see from the RSGB VHF Contests
> that I have entered that I don't work stations S.East to me. This is the
> reason why. Perhaps you can substantiate your comments by providing
> information as to any track record of how and when I have deliberately
> created QRM ?
> I am not generally active during the week, and only occasionally at
> weekends. In the past I have loaned "visiting" amateurs equipment, put up
> masts for them and so on, so that the problem of transportation and
> assistance disappears. Making contact, therefore, may have provided a much
> more efficient station for the visitors. In deed, one of the operators of
> the station, has been a regular contact of mine the last few years.
> Perhaps they should have made contact ?
> The point I was making was that it may have been wise to try and figure
> out if anyone else was likely to have been active at the time, in the
> vicinity, for both parties sake, not only to avoid mutual interference,
> but also some local information about the VHF PMR setup and how to avoid
> problems.
> To be clear, the original posting was not about "having a pop" it was
> about being savvy and thinking about what you are doing. Neither was it
> about causing "deliberate QRM", that was a misinterpretation on your
> behalf, of the original email. Finally it certainly was not intended to
> cause trouble. As I have stated at the top of this email, no names, no
> pack drill in the original email.
> Turning to your actions and the email you publicly forwarded on from Dave
> Wilson. I consider it immflammotary of you to have forwarded this on in
> such a public manner, without considering the basic facts. But you are the
> messenger, so shouldn't really be shot.
> As to the actual email from Dave Wilson, I consider that particular email
> to be libellous and defamatory, and indeed an email that seems to have at
> its core a personal attack on myself, scurrilous in nature as it seeks to
> involve 3rd parties. I shall not bother responding in any form of detail
> to the Dave Wilson email as I do not wish to lower my dignity as I
> consider a response to be a complete waste of time and effort, neither do
> I wish to drag in third parties, into what is plainly turning into a fish
> wifes battle.
> However, should this matter continue, then I shall consider further
> action.
> I consider the matter closed.
> Adrian Rees
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