[UK-CONTEST] US - UK licences

Chris Partington chrypart at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Aug 20 00:53:43 PDT 2009

Yes a very good point Andrew, I was just about to make the same point myself
but you bet me to it!


My dad was ex-Royal Signals booked his full test and took it without any
tuition but that was years ago to get his Class B call, then moved onto CW.


The system needs to change to allow technically able students to go straight
to the full licence like it used to be as ken has already suggested. 


Callsign in 24 hours? Take note Ofcomm an email sent 18 days ago (plus
follow up) about issuing a callsign and no response, hihi.




Chris G0CLP/P ex G5ECD



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