[UK-CONTEST] Re - Farmers & Contests.

Colin colin at g3psm.net
Thu Aug 20 05:39:57 PDT 2009


Apart from the reasoned and logical arguments from Brian I think this 
topic has run it's course. Let's hope that people have taken note.

Dave M0OBW is not a subscriber to this reflector so as Don G3XTT was 
shot last time around as the messenger I take up the poisoned chalice 
and offer the following wrap-up from Dave -

> I often say that when writing e-mails before you send them you should 
> park them off to the side somewhere, go away and do something else for 
> a while, come back, re-read and only then send it. Often after a break 
> like that what you’ve written isn’t quite what you meant to say. Well, 
> I failed to take my own advise didn’t I and fell headlong into that trap.
> Don’t let anyone accuse me of not being man enough to apologise when 
> as in this case I’ve made an error. The first paragraph of my reply 
> was over the top and had I done what I say to so many would have been 
> deleted prior to sending to Don to post on the Contest reflector - for 
> that I apologise. As regards the rest of the posting I stand by that.

Colin, G3PSM

brian coyne wrote:
> Ignoring the 'pie throwing' aspects of this thread I think that the message of permission and respect for landowners plus the need to leave a site as it was found comes across loud and clear. Be responsible, consider all the aspects of your visit otherwise you can ruin the chances of use of that site foreverafter for everyone.

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