[UK-CONTEST] 144mhz ukac

Andy Swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Wed Dec 2 04:17:18 PST 2009

>>> On 02/12/2009 at 11:27, in message
<E555C1C9-314E-4209-8300-0C863068800F at me.com>, Keith Maton <g6nhu at me.com>
> This is so strange and a perfect example of how things differ around the 
> country.
> I'll repeat my soapbox comments from last night:  "Conditions very good, 
> lots of activity this evening".
> We had a really good evening last night, our little group worked more 
> stations than we've done in any of the UKACs although we were down a couple 
> of squares.  There was only some slight QSB towards the end of the contest 
> and the band seemed really active all night.

If you have a look at the points per qso though you can see the difference:   Your average was 159 which is actually higher than many peoples, there are some 50-90QSO entries with an average around about 100-130 kms.

159 kms doesn't even get me out of IO85,   If I can't work everyone in IO85 then things are pretty bad (yes, yes,  I know, I missed mm0gpz last night :-)   In fact beaming south 159kms doesn't get me out of Scotland!

I think that's the difference in how conditions are perceived!

I'd be really interested in seeing your qso map that you now get sent back with your acknowledgement if it's not too much to ask, I'd be fascinated to see the difference in the distribution of QSOs.

Mine is at: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=http://www.rsgbcc.org/vhf/kml_files/2009/wIjf1yrdyIODmUCQFTtrdQQ6FJOTpOu


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