[UK-CONTEST] 144mhz ukac

Darrell G0HVQ g0hvq at talktalk.net
Wed Dec 2 09:50:09 PST 2009

Despite the wind and rain (glad I wasn't /P), it wasn't all that bad from 
down here in IO81 - in fact, definately one of the better nights. Deep QSB 
but pretty good N/S on the peaks, 59 QSOs and 17 grids inc 
IO64,74,75,85,86,94. Even heard (but didn't work) GU and GJ in a 2m Act 
Contest for the first time.

E/W was a different story, hard work and nothing from the continent, not 
even the usual PE1EWR. There used to be a couple of Fs and ONs that popped 
up regularly, but haven't heard them in the latter part of this year.

...and again nothing from GW despite being only a few miles from the border.

But still better than a night in from of the TV on a Tues evening, and the 
contest forced me to stay up later than usual enabling me to bag 5R on 40m 
afterwards :-)

Darrell G0HVQ 

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