[UK-CONTEST] CQ WW CW operating techniques
alex at gm3zbe.plus.com
Wed Dec 2 08:00:20 PST 2009
Ever noticed a somewhat similar visual effect with Roman numerals? Its
easy to see the difference at a glance between I II III but would not
be so easy with IIIV IIIIV or even IIIIIV. Same goes for VI VIII
VIIII etc. Presumably its the same perception problem?
Anyway it confuses the hell out of BOTH my brain cells!
Alex, GM3ZBE
Andy Summers wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> No, you're not alone! I particularly struggle with S & H at high speed, and
> like you I can sit and listen for ages and still not be certain. I suppose
> this would be an argument for learning characters sent at high speed, but
> with long inter-character spacing, at the outset. I didn't.
> What I can say is that there is evidently a point at which you stop doing a
> translation and instead just instinctively know what the character is. I'm
> now at that point, but it doesn't necessarily mean I'm fast - I'm not. The
> problem I have is that there still seems to be a data access time in my head
> and the shorter duration characters then become a problem at high speed. I
> spend time waiting for my head to get the data out - meantime another
> character has come along and there's a domino effect.
> I've also found that you start to hear words. I expect you yourself
> recognise TEST.
> I presume the only medicine is practice. I started improving with the old CW
> Cumulatives which are now 80mCC. I'm looking forward to their starting
> again. Perhaps see you on?
> I'm sure some people take to it like a duck to water. For the likes of us
> it's much harder going!
> I had a go in CQWW, sending at 20wpm because of the recent thread here that
> said I wouldn't be thanked for sending at 15wpm. Overall, pretty good fun!
> Andy, G4KNO.
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