[UK-CONTEST] CQ WW CW operating techniques

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Wed Dec 2 08:16:45 PST 2009

On 2 Dec 2009 at 14:57, Ron Price wrote:

> So does anyone else have a similar problem, and have you found a cure
> for it?

I suspect most of us suffer from this to some extent. I certainly do, 
and I am very comfortable copying at 35wpm. On Saturday I worked ES5TV, 
a well known contest station who I have worked often in the past. I 
convinced myself that he was actually sending ES5TU, maybe he was or 
maybe it was my ears - I even went to the extreme of checking on 
qrz.com that ES5TU was non existent. Later I heard him sending slightly 
slower and very clearly ending with a V.

At the end of it don't worry as long as you are working stuff. And if 
you send in an entry you will get a feedback from CQ of all your 
errors, judge how you did on that...

(and everybody seems to log me as R3YMC or N3YMC due to their slow 

73 Dave G3YMC


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