[UK-CONTEST] December 432MHz UKAC

Rob Harrison robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Dec 10 04:59:35 PST 2009


My QTH is screened to the NW by a 100m hill, which I am 60m up the SE side. 
I have an excellent take off to NE round to W, but then it starts to fall 
off, NNW is the worst QTF. So unfortunately it's difficult to work up that 
way. Most of my contacts seem to be via aircraft scatter, as they are always 
changing in strenght rapidly over the QSO. Not as bad on 144.

KST: I'm not against having info' available to help find stations, i.e. 
cluster spots, But arranging skeds is not contesting in my opinion. If I see 
something come up on the cluster that I need, I'll take my chances with the 
rest, if I work them ok, if not well that's disappointing, but ok too. Until 
last year I didn't have a PC in the shack, so I was blind to all this info'. 
Even if it were allowed, I don't think I'd arrange skeds during the contest, 
I'd find it distracting. When activity is low outside the contest 'KST is a 
great help, and I use it, and we'd probably make it ok at some point. At 
present I feel the only way round this is to have "assisted" & 
"non-assisted" sections, personally I know which I'd chose. In your location 
"assisted" would be the obvious choice.

If it is banned Europe wide I don't think it will deter contesters from 
coming on, they did without it before, and very well. 'KST has it's part to 
play on VHF and above, but during contests it's not necessary, in my 

Tin hat on, 73,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ray James" <gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] December 432MHz UKAC

--- On Wed, 9/12/09, Rob Harrison <robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:

> Ray,
> What a shame, you'd be only the 3rd GM from here in 24
> years operation from this location on 432.

That is a VERY long time to wait Rob.

My old friend Ken G8VR in Margate, now SK, mentioned similar when we started 
to work on a regular basis on 1296MHz.

The greatest change that occurred since his previous contacts was the 
invention of the internet. This in time brought about the development of 
numerous attributes including DX-Cluster and the ON4KST chatroom that 
contributes so much to enabling VHF, UHF and Microwave path tests to be 
conducted. Ken and I met up as often as possible on 'KST in the mornings 
when he was well enough to operate and thanks to 'KST we were able to 
arrange a schedule, frequency and transmission/reception periods and conduct 
contact attempts over the air, the majority being successful.

The RSGB Contest Committee unilaterally banned the use of the cluster and 
'KST for contest use below 23cm a couple of years ago, in fact the contest 
calendar had already started when this decision was made. The reason given 
was "abuse" but nothing was ever provided as proof and contest operators and 
groups in the UK searched and came to the conclusion it was unfounded. Day 
in, day out, even as I write, VHF+ operators are arranging schedules to 
attempt a contact, yet during a contest UK operators who enter an RSGB (not 
IARU) contest are barred from schedule making. I'm totally against anyone 
abusing the system and strongly believe those found doing so should be 
disqualified, as simple as that.
One of the most damming effects of that ban effected UK stations remotest 
from the centres of activity with no chance of seriously competing to win 
but at least putting their investment into a station to worthwhile use.
Had Rob been able to use 'KST then I'm sure we'd have made contact and with 
all QSO information passed on 432MHz.

Vienna 2010 is the crux meeting.
REF, the French society are proposing an IARU Reg 1 ban and using the RSGB 
CC rules as an example. It is with great relief that other societies have 
produced much more sensible proposals, allowing schedules but banning any 
information exchange "off air" and "self spotting" in IARU and IARU member 
organised contests.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that both the REF and RSGB positions get 
shafted and common sense prevails.

73 Ray GM4CXM

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