[UK-CONTEST] Death to the cluster!

Regwoolley at aol.com Regwoolley at aol.com
Fri Dec 11 15:24:54 PST 2009

In a message dated 11/12/2009 15:12:22 GMT Standard Time,  
gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk writes:

Not just  AFS Paul but all VHF and UHF contests since the DXC/KST change 
and definitely  noticed in the monthly UKAC's.
Pre-change there was camaraderie when most  helped each other but it's gone 
dog eat dog selfish with only "point givers"  doing any spotting whilst 
competitors wait for a barer of gifts to show up on  DXC/KST.
I used to spot GM activity but have stopped now. If folk want our  points 
and multipliers I'd prefer they either search for us or call this way  more 
often so we can pick 'em up from the white noise. When I was spotting all  
the GM's active and their frequencies southern beams would shoot around for a  
minimum time to work 'em and disappear again, and again, and again.
Once  burnt, twice shy.

73 Ray GM4CXM  

Ray I do beam north in the 2m Ac However your call is not often in my  log!

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