[UK-CONTEST] Death to the cluster!

Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Dec 12 04:18:10 PST 2009

--- On Sat, 12/12/09, Pete Lindsay <psl at plcg.org> wrote:

> When I do a search in DXsummit it
> seems to say :-
> G4CLA         144224.7
> 1117 06 Dec   Isle of Man
> G4CLA         144355.0
> G8BNE        IO94
> 1114 06 Dec   England
> G4CLA         144194.0
> GM8OEG       IO86
> 1110 06 Dec   Scotland
> Not quite so long ago then ?
> Pete, G4CLA.

Ray had written:

> > Psychic awareness must have played a part with 3 UK
> stations spotted this month during 2m UKAC.

That does come to the same thing doesn't it Pete?!
The point is, you make rules and recommendations to competitors but you don't practise what you preach or lead by example.
As mentioned yesterday, your recommendation is tantamount to shooting ones self in the foot to give away juicey information on a distant station or rare'ish multiplier to a fellow competitor. Since you made the faux par over DXC/KST that camaderie when the majority of competitors did share information has gone out of the window resulting in only non-competitors spotting DX and competitors waiting for the barer of such gifts.
The result of that now is dog eat dog, we've lost one aspect of friendliness that bonded a lot of like minded individuals together in the same VHF+ ship. 

73 Ray GM4CXM


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