[UK-CONTEST] Who needs a beam anyway!

Ron Price ron.price2 at virgin.net
Wed Dec 30 09:19:11 PST 2009

I have tried to take part in all of the UKACs (except UHF) during 2009 either by going out portable or setting up a temporary beam in the back garden for 6m, 4m or 70cm. I have a permanently mounted 7 element Yagi for 2m on the house.
The wx was too bad yesterday to work outside so at the last minute I set up a dipole in the loft for the 4m contest so that I could at least take part and give a few points away.
Considering that there was a blanket of snow on the house roof  the antenna worked quite well with ten QSOs made in four locator squares.
Two previous 4m UKACs this year using a 3 or 6 element Yagi yielded 19 QSOs on each occasion in 8 and 9 squares respectively.
Best dx last night at 211km was Bryn, G4DEZ, whose keen ears were able to pull me out of the noise!
Just goes to show that as long as there is a decent antenna at one end of the path a contact can be made!

I look forward to next year's VHF contest program and hope for good wx and conditions!

Best wishes to all for 2010.


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