[UK-CONTEST] AFS contest etiquette

Steve Wilson, G3VMW steve at g3vmw.demon.co.uk
Mon Jan 12 07:02:43 EST 2009

In message <mailman.28435.1231758455.3487.uk-contest at contesting.com>, 
uk-contest-request at contesting.com writes

>Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 10:43:15 -0000
>From: "Rob - G4LMW" <g4lmw at btconnect.com>
>Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] AFS contest etiquette

>Let me put it this way... I am new to contesting (less than a year) and if
>this question doesn't solicit the answers I am expecting, I won't be
>contesting much longer.......
>73, Rob


Thanks for the QSO in AFS yesterday. I'm pretty sure that Ray's 
experience with G3MIR was a simple mistake. You can only judge on past 
contests and I've worked G3MIR plenty of times to suggest that it wasn't 

Yesterday, I wasn't a combatant in AFS, only doing the last hour, but I 
have to say that I thought the general standard of operating was pretty 

The only time I've had any difficulty with this sort of thing (in AFS) 
was when Station "X" had a good RUN frequency, but briefly went off to 
another frequency with his second VFO or second radio to work a guy who 
was CQing. SO2R or a variation with the 2nd VFO is quite popular in AFS.

On Sunday, I had the experience of landing on the RUN frequency 
concerned; first checking if it was clear by sending "QRL ??" a couple 
of times, CQing and working one station, only to be crushed by Station A 
coming back to his RUN frequency and calling CQ.

Dunno what you can do under such circumstances? It is probably quickest 
just to move? But who is in the right?

These things happen, but I think we all agree that contesting is great 
fun, so do keep up the good work!

p.s. Bob 5B4AGN was impossibly loud wasn't he? Having shed blood, sweat 
and tears to help rig those phased verticals out there in Cyprus, I can 
definitely say that it was worth it.

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Ray - G4FON" <ray at g4fon.co.uk>

>Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 10:32 AM
>Subject: [UK-CONTEST] AFS contest etiquette
>> I started late yesterday but found a clear frequency and had a reasonable
>> run going when I was called by G3MIR, who I worked. The
>> next station to call me immediately afterwards was G4FBS.
>> Once I finished the QSO with G4FBS, I was stunned to hear G3MIR call him
>> on my frequency and send him a report.
>> Is all fair in love, war and contesting these days or is this operating
>> practice out of line?
>> 73
>> Ray, G4FON


Steve Wilson, G3VMW

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