[UK-CONTEST] Re UBN Reports.

brian coyne g4odv at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jan 22 15:16:40 EST 2009

>The very obvious solution: just log the dupes, fast and smoothly.
> Occasionally - but rarely ;-) - I may have had his call wrong first time I
> worked him, such as logging SH5HH in stead of S55HH when he was running at
> 60wpm. Also in that case the simple solution would have been just to log
> again and ignore the dupe warning.
We see a many differing opinions on the subject of logging or not logging dupes, I think this thread illustrates that working them is safer and it takes very little longer to make the qso than to debate the issue.
As for the 60wpm boys who can require half dozen or more takes to decipher the c/s, even by experienced ops, they are fools to themselves and a menace to others, they must produce an enormous amounts of busts, are they especially penalised?
<I was surprised to find about 5 entries in eqsl.cc which were not in our log from our MULT station. They were generally early in the contest where our Mult station was trawling up/down the band hoovering up the easy mults. We called and worked one station, but someone else close by also thought that we were working them. Something to be very careful about!>
We do hear this all the time on air. It's a question of filtering and timing, if a S&P stn hears additional respondents to his object call then he should preface the exchange with the object c/s, but it's a big busy contest and our filters are set narrow and the M6T mult op wouldn't hear those others. Like wise as a run op with tight filtering you hear someone come back and think he is yours, but of course many don't zero beat. In these cases, as an experienced op, how often does the timing between the exchanges precisely co-incide? Very rarely is the answer, we get a sixth sense for it. With wide filtering I guess this happens a lot but as one who is never wider than 500hz it is a rare occurance for me.
I have had a couple of offboard mails from guys newish to contesting who have found the input to this thread informative which was the reason that I asked Roger to post his mail on here, by sharing this information we each learn a lot.
73 Brian 5B4AIZ (C4Z)



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