chrisg1vdp at btinternet.com
Tue Jul 7 23:43:16 PDT 2009
>Steve wrote;
GB7HQ award hunters (or those who just want to help out by working GB7HQ on
all band/modes).
This year as a personal challenge I think I am going to try and work the stations all bands and modes but try and do it in band order - start 160 CW, 160 SSB, 80 CW, etc. But as I will be working most of Saturday and a floor to lay in the shack on Sunday I will be tme restricted.
Chris Colclough
G1VDP http://www.g1vdp.com http://www.mc0shl.com 30M digi Group Member #1432
Tel: 024 7673 5940
Mob: 07505 359709
--- On Tue, 7/7/09, Steve Reed <steve at explore.plus.com> wrote:
From: Steve Reed <steve at explore.plus.com>
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] RGSB Station GB7HQ
To: "'UK Contest Reflector'" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Date: Tuesday, 7 July, 2009, 11:35 PM
GB7HQ award hunters (or those who just want to help out by working GB7HQ on
all band/modes) can find working the 10m stations a challenge if they are
any distance away. Needless to say we will be listening carefully for UK
stations and will work all that we can, but inter-G signals can be very weak
in comparison to local noise or to much stronger (and higher scoring)
Europeans, so it may be worth employing some strategy to get our attention.
Some suggestions:
1. If the band is open strongly to Europe its less likely we are going to
hear weaker signals from G. If you have a beam, try beaming in the
direction of the strongest European signals rather than the direct path and
see if you can work us via Es backscatter.
2. Most G contacts will be "groundwave" - actually beyond a few tens of
kilometres the propagation mode will be troposcatter. On 28 MHz the best
times of day for this mode are often around dusk or dawn. These can be
quiet times too, so weaker signals will both stronger and have less
3. Generally we are not busy at night and will be looking for anyone to
work. Two years ago we had sporadic E all through the night but even then
there were very few stations to work. 10m at night may be
counter-intuitive, but it's a good time if you want a QSO with us. (It'll
help keep me awake too...)
GB7HQ 10m SSB station will be in Suffolk, 10m CW in Yorkshire. At times 10m
may also be active from near Inverness. Station locations are in the link
Dave 'BUO posted.
In all probability, none of this will be new to this reflector's audience:
apologies (grandmothers and eggs and all that) but please try and work us
Steve G0AEV
-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dave Lawley
Sent: 07 July 2009 20:13
To: UK Contest Reflector
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] RGSB Station GB7HQ
GB7HQ will again be competing on behalf of RSGB in the Headquarters
section of the IARU contest this weekend.
GB7HQ will operate from nine different locations around the UK which
will all be connected on the Internet and sharing log details using
G3WGV's Starlog software, so when you hear us on one band/mode, you can
call and find out the working frequencies on the other bands.
Once again John G3LZQ is running the award programme, there are awards
for working GB7HQ on a minimum of three, six, nine or all twelve
band/mode slots.
The contest runs for 24 hours from 1200z on Saturday 11th July on the
six contest bands 160-10m phone and CW. Exchange is RS(T) and ITU zone -
the UK is in zone 27. HQ stations send the initials of the national
society instead of zone number.
Please come on and work lots of stations in the contest, and make sure
to work GB7HQ on all twelve band/mode slots if you can. Also, make sure
to send your log entry to IARUHF at iaru.org - the more logs they get,
the better the quality of log checking.
More details of GB7HQ can be found at www.gb7hq.com and webmaster
G3TXF will be updating the site with pictures of the operation as they
come in.
I hope to work many of you in the contest - my station will mainly be
used for 15m SSB.
Dave G4BUO
Coordinator, GB7HQ
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