Dave Lawley dave at g4buo.com
Sun Jul 12 07:02:55 PDT 2009

As coordinator for GB7HQ I'd like to thank all the UK reflectorites who 
came on and supported us. We had a ball, and were pretty pleased with 
the performance given the poor conditions. My station was mainly used 
for 15 SSB, and I think I'm right in saying we didn't work JA at all on 
the band. HQ stations further east into Europe will have worked plenty.

We're very grateful for all the QSOs, and if you'd like to apply for the 
award please see the details on  www.gb7hq.com  - also have a look at 
the pictures which will be uploaded over the next day or two.

I can't give even a rough score because although almost all of the 
stations were connected over the Internet almost all of the time, we 
have a lot of log merging to do. Murphy set up home in west Kent this 
year and I lost one rig and three linears, one after another, plus a PC 
crash so the 15m log is on three separate machines and in addition Simon 
2E0CVN had to log 42 QSOs onto paper. I'm very heartened to know that 
someone as young as he is knows how to log on paper!

Thanks again for all the QSOs

Dave G4BUO

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