Ian & Stephanie Fugler (G4IIY) zen90387 at zen.co.uk
Sun Jul 12 07:49:44 PDT 2009

Dave G4BUO wrote:

> Murphy set up home in west Kent this
> year and I lost one rig and three linears, one after another, plus a PC
> crash so the 15m log is on three separate machines...

It must have been that sort of w/end.  My linear also blew, so I had to 
resort to an ancient FL2100Z.  I managed 11 of the 12 slots, but just could 
not get GB7HQ to hear me on 10m SSB, despite trying at various times over 
the weekend for extended periods.  It was really curious to hear the signal, 
most of the time in the noise, rushing up to S7 then back down again.

Well done to all the ops at GB7HQ.  It sounds like another great effort.


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