David, G3YYD g3yyd at btinternet.com
Wed Jul 22 22:32:06 PDT 2009


Thank you for that information. Think I will need to move to a place 
well outside the M25 with >20 acres and a big tower friendly planning 
authority rather than my 0.3 acres inside the M25. Antenna separation is 
all along with a large pile of £notes.

73 David G3YYD

Andrew wrote:
> David, G3YYD wrote:
>> The filtering also applies to the TX to remove noise and spurious.
>> I have been thinking about it and I could even now with my current SO2R 
>> setup using W3NQN filtering do same antenna working on adjacent bands.
> David,
> It's possible to work on the same band whilst one radio is transmitting.
>  At W3LPL, Frank has it set up so there are two radios on each band, a
> run radio and a mult radio.  The run radio can be running 1500W and it
> is possible to tune within less than 20kHz without seeing much receiver
> desense or intermods on the other radio.
> Frank has it set up so that both radios on each position have a switch
> to flick between either the main antenna or the Beverages for receive
> (then a separate six-way switch to select each Beverage).  If the mult
> rig is receiving on the main run antenna, when the run rig transmits the
> mult rig is automatically switched to the Beverage instead.  This
> happens seamlessly and most of the time you can't even tell (unless
> you're on the wrong Beverage) as Frank has amplifiers on the Beverages
> to bring the levels up to that of the main antenna!
> Of course, having the Beverages located about 1000ft away from the (up
> to 200ft high) run antennas is very important in achieving this and to
> avoid inter-band interference he uses W3NQN filters you mention.
> I must admit, when I first operated at W3LPL a couple of years ago, I
> was absolutely amazed at how little interference there was either from
> band to band, or within the same band on the second radio.
> Vy 73,
> Andrew AC6WI / GI0NWG

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