David, G3YYD g3yyd at btinternet.com
Thu Jul 30 04:28:13 PDT 2009

Interesting. Just been looking at VK mainland reciprocal licensing and 
the conditions specifically say  /VK must be used. Pity really as when 
you call someone they first of all get excited then find you are a local 
alternatively "Why is this G calling me when I am after DX?". Always 
best in my view to do VK/ but the rules are as published for VK.

David G3YYD

Dave Sergeant wrote:
> On 30 Jul 2009 at 9:41, Clive GM3POI wrote:
>> Andy,
>>      The problem with that is the Station you work signing 
>> /QRP will probably not put that in his entry, and therefore 
>> you get a busted call. My guess is it's best to log as sent 
>> in terms of xx/KL7 rather than change it to KL7/xx. This 
>> certainly matters when it comes to LoTW as the ARRL software 
>> can't work out that it could be the other way around. I have 
>> had to re send Qs to get confirmation for DXCCs that the 
>> other station had the opposite way around from me for 
>> whatever season. 73 Clive GM3POI
> There are two issues here. Firstly although these days most people sign 
> TK/ rather than /TK, both are still in use and depending on the licence 
> issued to the operator either may be the correct one (although if 
> operating under a CEPT licence the TK/ is always the one which SHOULD 
> be used). If the operator is sending /TK you should log it as that is 
> what he is sending.
> Regarding the unofficial suffixes like /QRP these form no part of any 
> licence and have been added just because the operator decides to. In 
> the UK at least the use of /QRP is questionably legal and is a practice 
> many of us would want to be banned. /QRP is never logged here and I 
> imagine many others do likewise. Contest adjudicators should recognise 
> this and not penalise people for missing /QRP in a logged call - and 
> logging software should also ignore it.
> (and even as a QRP op myself I hate this practice, never send it myself 
> even when working a QRP station and never put it on my QSL cards.).
> 73 Dave G3YMC
> http://www.davesergeant.com
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