Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jun 11 11:39:40 PDT 2009

--- On Thu, 11/6/09, Peter Bowyer <peter at bowyer.org> wrote:

> You've about as much chance of convinicing the contest
> community of the validity of your barrack-room lawyering as King Canute
> did of turning back the tide. I see no need to waste any more time
> feeding trolls.
> Peter

Very offensive remarks indeed Peter and not a pleasure to see written on this reflector of like minded individuals.
Here we have the benefit of discussing contesting or contest matters with our peers and each of us has the ability to put forward different views and permit all to make a decision of agreement or not without recourse to slander or aggression.
Myself, I'm quite content for the CC to reach it's own decision or clarification of the current rules and the interpretation of same for the benefit of all, and in particular, Alex GM3ZBE who asked the question in the first place. By reflector participation, healthy discussion of different points of view, they can observe a wider point of view which they can either take on board or not.
With this debate it was about what constituted a valid contest qso.
The rules state one thing which is open to clarification whilst most of us do something slightly different. If I can I will always back up any points with factual details and in this case it was the printed rules.

73 Ray GM4CXM



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