QUENTIN COLLIER q.g.collier at btinternet.com
Tue Jun 16 01:14:12 PDT 2009

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: QUENTIN COLLIER <q.g.collier at btinternet.com>
To: Q Collier <q.g.collier at btinternet.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 16 June, 2009 9:10:29 AM

And for those of you whose knowledge of German is even worse than mine, the DARC rules in English may be found at http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedcf.htm    Thanks to HB9CZF and G4TSH for putting me wise.....


Quin WRR

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: QUENTIN COLLIER <q.g.collier at btinternet.com>
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Sent: Monday, 15 June, 2009 10:38:24 AM

Hi all,

I'm e-mailing out to all those who registered to take part in HF NFD, and also to the UK CONTEST reflector to catch those who took part without pre-registration, so apologies to those of you who receive multiple copies. 

Firstly, thanks to those who have already submitted their logs. I'd like to remind other entrants that the cutoff for submission to the robot is 23:59:59 on Monday 22nd June.  Logs after this will have to be disallowed unless there are special circumstances and prior agreement has been obtained from myself. The robot can be accesssed via http://www.vhfcc.org/cgi-bin/hfenter.pl

Secondly, I'd like to reiterate the point made by Ian G3WVG in a posting yesterday about IARU R1 Field Day. As Ian says, DARC will be happy to accept your NFD log for inclusion in a pan European listing, and I would encourage entrants to submit them. A couple of points to note:
* the rules (in German) can be seen if you to to http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fgdcf.htm and click on the Ausschreibung tab. The main points are that (a) the sections are different from those in NFD: I concur with Ian that most if not all UK entrants will be in the   "portable, low power, multi operator, non-assisted" category, and (b) scoring is significantly different from NFD in the UK as multipliers are used. But don't worry about scoring it yourself as DARC will do that
* The contents of the subject field of your e-mail to the robot fdcw at dxhf.darc.de should be the callsign used in the contest.

Quin G3WRR
NFD Adjudicator

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