[UK-CONTEST] July Radcom - BERU / Old Gits

Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Sun Jun 28 03:43:27 PDT 2009

Alex, Cris et al.

Don't fret, yes you are old farts- gits even; perhaps it's stereotypical 
phraseology but offensive it is not. As you quite rightly say, it 
stereotypes the proposer rather than the recipient, but in the context 
of amateur radio at least, it backfires spectacularly.

You are old farts because you had to pass real exams and tests to get 
your licence. Having done that you got on the air and learned real 
amateur radio, including in your cases contests- in particular NFD which 
probably shaped your contest careers. When you didn't know something, 
you didn't have the luxury of the internet and dedicated web sites, you 
just had to get off your backsides and seek out the facts by whatever 
method was available in those dark ages. You used CW and grew to love it 
and find it rather useful, despite the fact that you had no choice but 
to learn it at the behest of an arbitrary  authority-  rather like your 
times tables really.

You entered various contests, and achieved success, despite rather than 
because of RSGB, which has always been and remains a self perpetuating 
oligarchy ( OMG that's a young git remark, strike it out!). You didn't 
let this you hinder you, because you were brought up without the 
disadvantage of a politically correct environment to protect you from 
the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

Yes, you truly are a pair of old farts. Welcome to the old farts contest 
club ;-)


Remember..........................It's MUCH more than a hobby!




Alex GM3ZBE wrote:
> Well said Chris!  - "Old fart/Old git" it is just offensive stereotyping 
> which says most about the person using it.
> Alex
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Remember......... Its just a HOBBY!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk wrote:
>> QUERY (actually two):- How old does one need to be to qualify as an 
>> Old Git? How many more summers can I look forward to enjoying (54 
>> currently) before this old fashioned, quaint but IMHO abusive, negative 
>> and ignorant terminology is applied to me?
>> 73 Cris
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